Get involved

How to support Tour de Cure
Tour de Cure’s ability to raise funds for the most daring and pioneering research is only possible thanks to our dedicated network of volunteers and supporters. With roles on tours and at our gala events, as well as day-to-day operational support, there’s plenty of ways to get involved.

  • Happy ladies in tour de cure shirts

    Give your time

    No matter if you have a skill to share or just your time and a willingness to role up your sleeves and make things happen, we’ve got plenty of opportunities. Find out more about ways to volunteer with Tour de Cure.

  • Tour de cure branded car with group of people

    Support our cyclists on tour

    Our tours need a lot of people to run smoothy. From mechanics to baristas, medics to navigators, there’s plenty of roles available for all skills and abilities.

  • Group of ladies at a gala event

    Make our gala events a success

    From planning to final clean up, there’s so many ways to help make our gala events, like the Spring Lunch and Snow Ball, run smoothly and help us reach our ambitious fundraising goals.

Want to know more?

Talk to our team about the different ways you can get involved with Tour de Cure.